About Us
Walther Trowal was founded in 1931 and is a specialist in surface technology. We have been an innovative leader in the mass finishing marketplace inventing a majority of the mass finishing equipment being used today. We have customers around the world from almost every sector of industry. We support them in areas like surface annealing, mass finishing, small parts coating, blasting, process water, automation and networking, workpiece cleaning and drying. Our durable, high-quality products are just one of the ingredients for our success. Ever since our foundation, we have also created modular, customized solutions that are tailored precisely to your needs and wishes, and are constantly at the cutting edge of technology.

Our History
C. K. Walther founds the company and the Trowal brand, derived from TROmmel (German for drum) and WALther. He starts business producing round drums for coating and deburring.
With the invention of the mass finishing vibrator, Walther Trowal revolutionises surface processing. The innovation makes deburring surfaces easier, faster and cheaper.
APPROX. 1960
Walther Trowal develops geometrically shaped abrasive media made from plastic and ceramic.
APPROX. 1964
Development of circular vibratory finishing machines with integrated screening. This addition automatically separates workpieces from the abrasive media.
Production of the first continuous vibrator.
MID 1970S
Walther Trowal introduces Europe's first centrifugal disc finishing units.
Foundation of Walther Trowal Ltd. following the acquisition of ceramic abrasive media manufacturer METAREF in Stoke-on-Trent, UK.
Development of drag finishing for sensitive, high-quality workpieces.
Foundation of Trowal Benelux.
Introduction of modern and environmentally friendly water circulation processes, with 100% recycling.
Development and introduction of the THM continuous belt blasting unit.
Walther Trowal produces the first coating system for industrial uses, developed from film coaters in the pharmaceutical sector.
Walther Trowal acquired by US Filter group.
Walther Trowal spun off by USF group as an independent company.
Introduction of cutlery cleaning units for large kitchens and caterers.
Construction of a new production hall and expansion at the site in Haan.
Foundation of sales company under Walther Trowal Ltd. in Birmingham, UK.
Foundation of Walther Trowal LLC Grand Rapids in Michigan, USA.
Construction of a new distribution centre for the UK market in Stoke-on-Trent.
Foundation of Walther Trowal S.A. de C.V. in Mexico
Walther Trowal provides products, services, testing and individual planning for your processes. Alongside our wide range of machinery with peripheral devices, we also produce our own abrasive and polishing media, compounds, flocculants and spare parts. With a staff of roughly 295 people around the world, we are one of the leading providers of surface processing technology.